Monday, January 26, 2009


"faith is an ascent to truth, rooted in deep knowledge."

my pastor used this as his definition of faith on sunday. he told a story of a lunch he had with a lawyer who adamantly blurted out, "you cannot prove that god exists".

scott replied, "no i cannot prove that god exists. i also cannot prove to you that quantum mechanics exist either. i cannot understand how what i observe is actually quite different from the fundamental reality. but maybe with enough careful and dilligent investigation, i may uncover the reality of quantum mechanics. i have found belief in god functions in the same manner. with enough dilligent investigation, i have discovered truth."

i was intrigued by his story and definition of faith. is this how we accept our belief in god? in the story of the gospel? i'm not so sure. i may have butchered his story due to my lack of understanding of quantum mechanics, but i think i conveyed the idea. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

tomorrow will be such a brighter day

i was reading an article in the economist about the past eight years of president bush's administration when i was suddenly reminded that in less then twenty four hours, he will no longer be making any presidential decisions. i smiled a bit. tomorrow will be such a brighter day.

Monday, January 5, 2009


riley turned seven on december 27. as you can see he is still very lionlike, but he still refuses to kiss me.