Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ahem! adventure! part 2

i am within a week of leaving the country. i am excited (see picture). so onto the next adventure and the new stories i hope to be able to write about. i will be living in buenos aires for the fall. if you feel inclined, come visit. if not, write me letters. i am hoping that in addition to responding to emails, to actually write letters and revive the lives of those postmen who have felt neglected since al gore created the internet and email. i look forward to writing, reading, learning spanish, buying a cheap bike and being with my friends.

"your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of god". 1 peter 1:18

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Sean, I feel honored to make the amigo list. Spain is good and I will leave it at that. I want to hear of your adventures, I just looked at a bit of your alaska stuff and it seems pretty epic. I also liked seeing the infamous whale video on there. alrighty man i hope youre doing well. see you in another life.