Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what if?

i had a challenging conversation last week with a good friend. what if i stopped believing in god? or maybe not god, but what if i decided that i didnt believe in the christian church/message anymore? it was the thought that if this happened, how would my life change? would my values and ideals change? would my lifestyle change?

the strangest thing was that in most cases it was no. things wouldnt changed that much. i was uneasily bothered by this. why would this not drastically alter my paradigm? i found this to be one of the most convicting thought processes. if my life wouldn't change that much, then how has the gospel changed my life right now? it's an odd thought. i felt a lack of direction. lack of guidance. where is my urgency? where is my hope in god's kingdom coming? but i couldn't help but wonder, what if?

(disclaimer's note: im not abandoning faith. i still absolutely believe in the story of the gospel and god's kingdom on this earth. i just took the conversation as convicting of my finite faith that continues to fail and my need for a bigger imagination.)


robby8900 said...

hey guy, i must say you are thinking, like someone god is calling out of chrisitianty. you have the feelings of the spirit drawing you ,not religions. that is awesome. christianity and all other religions have decieved all of us, until the spirit starts taking control in our life.

god is a spirit and they that worship must worship in "spirit and truth" not religions. i no longer belong to any religious orgination, beacause god isnt in them. they are all about money and politics, in wich god has nothing to do with.
for months i have been under the power of god writting a bookcalled "you started as a spirit". when the spirit takes control of your life .you start feeling things like "what if" ive been there alot latly. how ever i have been given alot of truth straight from god himself, and chpter 5 of my book is about "angels and us" i just created a website it is still in the making but you can read some of what i put on there visit. www.youareangelic.com goggle it.i am putting chp 5 in ebook form. but you sound like someone that would be interested in hearing from god directly. thats why i responed to your comments
thanks robert

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