Friday, June 29, 2007

life at sea on the bristol bay

it has been a while since i posted. hopefully some of you are still checking in. i have spent the past week fishing and figuring out how to get these sockeye salmon out of nets. the days are strange here in alaska. boats are only allowed to fish certain openings on the river in order to allow the right amount of salmon through in order to provide enough for the following year. so the fish opening can be anywhere form 8 to 4 to 12 hours. the openings are at strange times too. one was from 11 p.m to 4 a.m. we just finished fishing a 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. opening. today we transferred to the nushagak district and are waiting for it to clear. i have to head out now. i am covered in fish guts, blood and scales.


Matt Cohen said...

Sounds awesome Sean. I love reading the updates. You really should write a book about this. Take care bro.

Bill Robertson said...

Hang in there Sean. This blogging is new to me so I trust I will get through to you. I am praying for you -- asking God to keep you well and safe. I enjoy your postings. Sorry you will be tied up for Josh's wedding. I would love to hear all that you would relate if you could make it. God bless you and keep you. Uncle Bill R.

Bill Robertson said...

Hi again Sean:
How is you stomach doing? Or maybe I should ask how are other people's stomachs doing? What with you walking around with all that fish blood and guts clinging to you. Hang in there my boy, we are all praying for you.